create nagios script in python3 to auto troubleshoot the linux server issues

create nagios script in python3 to auto troubleshoot the linux server issues

create nagios script in python3 to auto troubleshoot the linux server issues

To create a Nagios script in Python 3 to troubleshoot Linux server issues, you can follow these steps:

Determine the issue that you want to troubleshoot and the specific checks that need to be performed to diagnose the issue. For example, if you want to troubleshoot connectivity issues, you might want to check if the server is reachable via ping, if the network interface is up and running, or if the server is listening on the necessary ports.

Write a Python script that performs the necessary checks and returns the results in a format that Nagios can understand. Nagios scripts typically return one of three values: OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL, depending on the status of the checks. You can also include additional information about the checks in the output, such as performance data or error messages.

Test your script to ensure that it is functioning correctly. You can do this by running the script manually and verifying that it returns the expected results.

Configure Nagios to run your script on a regular basis by adding a new command definition to the Nagios configuration file. The command definition should specify the path to the script, as well as any arguments or options that are required.

Add a service definition to the Nagios configuration file that specifies the command that should be run to check the service, as well as the desired alert thresholds and notification options.

Restart the Nagios service to apply the changes.

Here is an example of a simple Nagios script in Python 3 that checks the availability of a server by pinging it:

!/usr/bin/env python3

import subprocess
import sys

def main():
# Use the ping command to check if the server is reachable
result =[“ping”, “-c”, “1”, “-w”, “1”, “”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# Check the return code of the ping command
if result.returncode == 0:
    # The server is reachable, so return an OK status
    print("OK: Server is reachable")
    # The server is not reachable, so return a CRITICAL status
    print("CRITICAL: Server is not reachable")

if name == “main“:

This script can be run manually or through Nagios to check the availability of the server at IP address If the ping command returns a return code of 0, the script will return an OK status. If the ping command returns a non-zero return code, the script will return a CRITICAL status.

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